CHC50121 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Offered in classroom, blended, and online learning

CHC50121 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Course Code: CHC50121
Packaging Rules
15 units including 12 core and 3 electives
Course Description
The Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is the qualification that ACECQA requires for those wanting to take on higher levels of responsibility and leadership in an early childhood service. It is the qualification for those wishing to lead an education and care program for children before they enter formal schooling. Rise Education and Training has contextualised this qualification to provide students theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work with children (from birth to school age) in a range of early childhood settings, which fall under the Education and Care National Regulations and the National Quality Standards. Upon the completion of this course students will have the knowledge and skills to support the implementation of the early years learning framework, while supporting children’s wellbeing, learning and development.
Entry Requirements
Successfully completion of either the CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or its predecessor CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Learners are likely to have needs related to:
- Accommodating work and other commitments with study
- Accommodating a variety of learning styles
- Socio-economic factors
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN)
- Cultural and ethnic backgrounds
- Technology access and usability
- A current Working with Children Check (Blue Card in Queensland). There would be an additional fee approximately $97.50 for Blue card application (excluding volunteers, students, or exemption card applicants). Please refer the below link:
The time frame to deliver this course is 18 months – 24 months (depending on prior skills and knowledge).
Delivery Location/Mode
Career Opportunities
The CHC50121 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care provides for employment in the following roles:
- Early Childhood Educator in Early Years Environment
- ECEC Service Director/Supervisor
- Authorised Supervisor
- Early Childhood Educator in a Kindergarten or Preschool Program
- Child Development Educator
- OOSHC Coordinator
- Family Day Care Educator or Supervisor
- Playgroup Supervisor
- Nanny or Au Pair and Mobile Assistant
Pathways to Further Study
On completion of this qualification, Universities can sometimes offer credit from the Diploma to enrol in Early Childhood teaching qualifications to continue your education career.
Fees and Funding (If eligible)
Queensland Government funding is available through Higher Level Skills.
Queensland Government Funding Requirements
- Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who hold a CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.
- Be aged 15 years or older (no longer at school)
- Permanently reside in Queensland
- be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian permanent resident (including humanitarian entrants), or a temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency
- not hold, or be enrolled in, a certificate IV level or higher qualification (not including qualifications completed at school and foundations skills training).
If a person is eligible for funding under the Higher-Level Skills program, the Queensland Government will subsidise the costs of their accredited training, although a student contribution fee will be required.
Fees – Higher Level Skills – (Queensland Government Funded)
Qualification Name | Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care |
Course Code | CHC50121 |
Number of Units | 15 |
Workplace Minimum Hours | 280 |
Student Contribution Fee (Non-concessional) | $240 ($16 per unit) |
Student Contribution Fee (Concessional) | $120 ($8 per unit) |
Fee for Service (Full Fee)
The Fee for Service is applied when a student is not eligible for government subsidies or where no subsidies are available.
Qualification Name | Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care |
Course Code | CHC50121 |
Number of Units | 15 |
Administration Fee | $200 |
Resource/Materials Fee | $150 |
Cost per Unit | $200 |
Student Concession Fee | $3350 |
Rise Education and Training is considering the candidate’s/student’s financial situation during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Stage. Rise Education and Training marketed a promotional sale for the Course Fee from 1st April 2022 to 31st December 2023, the following Course Fees apply:
*All the Fee for Service Students will be discounted 50% off all units’ Fee from the Full Course Fee
Total Course Full Fee: $3350
Discounted 50% of Units Fee: $1850
*The above fees include $200 Administration Fee and $150 Material Fee
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
The Fee for Service is applied when a student is not eligible for government subsidies or where no subsidies are available.
Qualification Name | Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care |
Course Code | CHC50121 |
Number of Units | 15 |
Administration Fee | $200 |
Resource/Materials Fee | $150 |
Cost per Unit | $100 |
Student Concession Fee | $1850 |
Course Units
Monitor service operations in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHCECE041 Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
CHCECE049 Embed environmental responsibility in service operations
Communicate as a leader in Early Childhood Education and Care
BSBSTR501 Establish innovative work environments (Elective)
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
CHCECE050 Work in partnership with children’s families
Embed inclusive practices in service operations in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHCDIV003 Manage and promote diversity (Elective)
CHCECE045 Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children
CHCECE046 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
Manage compliance in Early Childhood Education and care
CHCECE044 Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service
CHCECE053 Respond to grievances and complaints about the service (Elective)
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Lead child pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHCECE047 Analyse information to inform children’s learning
CHCECE042 Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing
CHCECE043 Nurture creativity in children
CHCECE048 Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum service